The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS) have released a new plan to address 20 unwarranted variations in oesophagogastric (OG) cancer care and outcomes in Victoria – improving quality and equity of care for patients across the state.
The VICS Optimal Care Summits program, through a 9-month strategic consultation with hundreds of stakeholders, identified and prioritised 20 unwarranted variations in OG cancer care and outcomes across Victoria. An advisory group of experts from across Victoria guided the consultation and recommended 19 practical ways for the VICS to address these variations at state, network and health service levels.
The Victorian Oesophagogastric Cancer Action Register captures those recommendations, plus lateral work being led by other key stakeholders – the Victorian Department of Health, Cancer Council Victoria, Data Connect, and The Pancare Foundation – that may have direct and indirect impacts on the identified unwarranted variations.