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Helena Rodi to lead the VICS Optimal Care Summits program

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS) are pleased to announce that Helena Rodi has commenced as the VICS Optimal Care Summits Program Manager. The VICS Optimal Care Summits program is an initiative of the VICS and the Victorian Department of Health, and is administered by the North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (NEMICS). The program examines tumour-specific patterns of cancer care, experience, and outcomes. Importantly, it identifies unwarranted variations in Victorian cancer care to be addressed by the VICS and other cancer organisations.

Helena is an experienced program leader with exceptional project and program management, stakeholder engagement, and cancer care systems capabilities. She has demonstrated her commitment to systems improvement and innovation during her time with NEMICS, at Advance Care Planning Australia, delivering a national Cancer Australia project, and as a cancer clinician with Austin Health. She has research interests in cancer system reform and advance care planning.

Helena will work closely with Dr Frances Graham (VICS Optimal Care Summits Project Manager), Nick Baje (VICS Optimal Care Summits Research Officer), and the VICS to deliver this novel Victorian cancer improvement program.

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